Thursday, April 2, 2009

as diploma in banking....

we....r the champion..

we...r the warriors...

no matter wat people say bout us, we will alwez remain the same...

diploma in 1....

untuk menjadi yg terbaik, mmg amat utk bt yg terbaik smua bgantung kpd kita..jun 2006, telah menemukan kmi mnjadi 1 kelas dr bmd1b1 - bmd6b1...3 thn sdh b'sama..sgala suka duka d jalani b'sama...kngn atr kita akan sntiasa kekal abadi..:)


First of all, let me introduce myself to all of u..:) my name is FRIENICA JULIAN AMPANG...but you all can just call me..BEAUTY..Deee...sory silap...hahaha...juz call me RENNY...:)

i love to to hear joke n of coz make a joke...hahaha...i love to b hepy n avoid myself to b sad...i hate crying n i hate 2 be more thing bout me, i rather choose to struggle hard 4 myself than make myself fall......:)

thats all bout tyme i will share about my moments...:)